Mass Removal We remove masses of all kinds from different species. Whether you need a mass taken off of your dogs leg, calfs head, or cats back; we cover most of them. Before we take off the mass, we like to take a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of the sample. An FNA is when we take a syringe and small needle, poke the mass, and apply some suction; doing this gives us a microscopic sample of the cells that the mass is made up of to give us a hint as to what we are dealing with. Afterwards, depending on the size, location, type of mass, we will sedate, sometimes put under general anesthetic, put a local anesthetic around the mass, and remove the mass. Afterwards we will take a sample of the mass and look at it underneath the microscope to get a better idea of what the mass is. For more information, or to book your pet in for an appointment give us a call; we'd love to chat!
Lumps from SK Veterinary Medical Assoc. on Vimeo. |