Kittens usually need a series of either 2 or 3 sets of vaccines in their first four months of life and annual vaccination after that. For further information on what vaccine schedule is appropriate for your cat please don't hesitate to contact us!
Yearly checkups and appropriate vaccinations from WDDC on Vimeo.
Diseases that are commonly vaccinated for include:
- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (herpes)
- Calici
- Panleukopenia
- Rabies
A short description of each of the diseases and their clinical signs is listed below.
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (herpes) and Calici are upper respiratory viruses. It can cause watery/swollen/ulcerated eyes (mainly herpes), sneezing, nasal congestion, oral ulcerations, and a fever. Both viruses are shed in secretions from the nose, eyes, and mouth of infected cats. Other cats can become infected from direct exposure to an infected cat, from mucous secretions, and contaminated objects such as water/food bowls and toys.
Panleukopenia is a HIGHLY contagious and very deadly virus. It infects the intestines causing severe bloody diarrhea and vomiting, but cats can die suddenly with very clinical signs. The virus is shed in the feces of cats and can survive in the environment in extreme temperatures for months and years.
Rabies is a virus that is transmitted through the saliva of affected animals. This virus affects the nervous system and salivary glands. Symptoms include sudden change in attitude, erratic behaviour, disorientation, seizures and excessive salivation or frothing. Prevention for this disease is vaccination and staying away from stray dogs and/or any dogs with an unknown vaccination history.
Rabies from WDDC on Vimeo.
Prevention for all these diseases are vaccinations. Kittens as young as 6 weeks are old enough to be vaccinated against these diseases, with the exception of Rabies where kittens should be at least 16 weeks of age for it to be safe.